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The most important advice we can offer is to remember that things do run on “island time” down here – go with the flow! 

While we personally try to make things run as smoothly as possible for you, timetables and schedules should be followed loosely. Cars and taxis will stop in the middle of the highway and on the roundabout, just to pick up a friend or chat. A honking horn is usually a greeting rather than an irate gesture. Signposts are few and far between (and certainly never where you need them), maps are a rough guide, and GPS is not entirely reliable. The good thing is that Tortola is just 12 miles long by 3 miles at its widest….how lost can you get? As long as you have a good 4WD vehicle you should head out and explore (during daylight).  

The island is still very safe and people are generally very friendly and helpful as long as you’re polite and at least semi-clothed…wearing your bathing suit into shops, restaurants and on the street (however gorgeous/fit/buff you are) is not appropriate, flaunt it on the beach ladies and gents. Don’t be surprised to be greeted everywhere you go with a “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon”, good old-fashioned manners go a long way around here.    

This might be pretty obvious to some of you (yay – 10/10, skip to the next section), others of you might like to know a little about how things work in de islands. So in very random order, because it’s really random stuff that we get asked… 

  • We use $US currency. Credit cards are accepted in most places.
  • We use 110v power outlets (same as the US)
  • We drive on the left hand side of the road (like the Brits), in left hand drive cars (like the Yanks)…makes no sense but it’s fun. 
  • While we’re on the subject of driving…we get a lot of questions about whether it’s scary driving here. We have some steep hills and we have some hills with some sharp switchbacks. We have some dirt roads You’ll figure it out, nothing to be scared of.  
  • Service is usually NOT included in your bill, check the menu or ask your server and tip at your discretion (that includes you Brits please!) 
  • You need a PASSPORT to enter the BVI. It helps if it’s valid. Please double-check – it’s a bummer to realise too late.
  • US cell phone carriers like AT&T, Verizon etc do not work in the BVI, although you can reach signal from St John in some areas. You’ll need a roaming plan if you want to be contactable by phone. 
  • We recommend getting travel insurance. These last few years have taught all of us about how the unexpected can happen at the most inopportune moment. If you don’t know where to start, Squaremouth has been recommended by several of our guests, it compares different companies and policies. (We’re not affiliated with them). 
  • They joke about liquor being cheaper than the mixer here, slight exaggeration but do watch out for cocktails with a kick 😉

Gosh, that was probably more than you needed to know!  But do just ask if we missed anything…

SIGN UP & Discover the Island of Tortola with us, residents for more than 20 years. 

SIGN UP & Discover the Island of Tortola with us, residents for more than 20 years. 


Samantha Pierce,
+1 (284) 542 7872,

Villas of Tortola

97MX+W95, Freshwater Pond, British Virgin Islands

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+ 284 542 7872


© Copyright Villas of Tortola 2022

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